Thursday, April 16, 2009

The "What The" manner

I had a habit or bad habit I was trying to get rid of, the habit of saying "What the ????". Depending on the situation and the seriouness of the screw up, the last word would vary from "Hell", "Heck" to anything else you can think of. But I decided on giving up the habit sometime back so that my little one does not carry on the knowledge. But still there were times when I just could not avoid it. But being a good mom, I would never say the last word. So I would always end at "What the!". I thought it was safe and there was nothing wrong for my little one to learn these two very harmless words, "what" and "the".

Its been two weeks now since I am dreading to the day I thought it was harmless to say those two words. I never realised my 2.5 year old will be able to use these two words such beautifully, always in the right context. I admire the smartness of my baby and my stupidity at the same time. Here's few of our recent conversation.

ME: "Did you see the birdie. there was a birdie on that tree".
"where mama?"
ME: "its gone away now".
"Gone away. What the!.

ME: "You have to finish your food, otherwise no Mickey Mouse"
"{Sad}What the!"

ME: "That's a snail. see a big snail and a small snail."
"{pointing at them} mama snail, baby snail". "mama, where papa snail"
ME: "papa snail is at office"
"office....What the!"

ME: "Can you go play in the other room. mama is working right now"
"Working...You working mama.....What the!"

{Sad in the morning coz I am leaving for work}
"You naki {no} go mamma"
ME: "mama has to go to work sweetie, but mamma will come pick you up early"
"Work....What the!"

{and just yesterday in the car, I thought I was teaching her language by repeating myself}
ME: "You want to go to the park"
"{excited} Yes"
ME: "You would like to go to the park"
"yes mama"
ME: "yeah, we will all go to the park"
ME: "mama will go to the park"
ME: "papa will go to the park"
ME: "you will go to the park"
ME: "We will all go to the park"
"ok mama"
ME: "You want to go to the park"
"What the!"

I cannot stop laughing at those moments but I really need to get rid of this "what the" manner. At first I thought ignoring it would do the trick, but that seems to have failed. Any suggestions...


  1. start using other similar situations...such as uhh ohhh !!!
    also, after she says what the, you repeat uhhh ohhh...she will pick that trick soon and it certainly does not look like bad habit..all the best :)...
    some of those conversations are hilarious :D...

  2. Thanks anstuff....The trick sounds promising....Will let you know if it works

  3. I so agree !! Kids can be super cute and pick up quickly on stuff :) My husband's name is Ashish, and my lil Arushi has started calling him 'Ashi' instead of Papa since that's the way I address him!
    "What the!"

  4. You bet Sonia...if we don't listen to our little one she would call us by our full weird it is to hear your full name from your kid, we always end up turning our head at our full name so for my little that's the way to get her voice heard now a days.
