Friday, May 15, 2009

Morning Of The Big Day

In my bed,
I heard birds chirping,
From the window,
Sunrays were entering.

I pulled my blanket,
And turned my side,
Thinking about the morning,
I then realized.

Someone was calling me,
She had something to say,
And asked a peculiar question,
‘Do you remember, what is today’?

I turned my side again,
And heard the voice asking the same,
I tried hard to recall,
But it was all in vain.

Just then a thought,
Passed through my head,
I threw my blanket,
And jumped out of my bed.

I ran for the calendar,
But stumbled on my way,
My mom gave me a hand & said,
‘My darling, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’

-written in '97 on my Birthday