Monday, March 30, 2009

The Dilemma

I was out to shop for brown shoes. I needed a bit of dark brown shade to match few of my outfits.

So here I was with pair of two tan bellies in my hand, one pair with heels and the other pretty much flat and I was trying to figure out which one should I pick. Well, flats work best for me, on my way to work I can run to catch my train which I end up doing almost everyday but then heels look more pretty and stylish (may be that's just in my head). After spending some time I decided on going for flats.

Rigth then a woman sat on the chair by my side, trying out high boots. Not the tan shade I was looking for but they looked fabulous and were brown. So I looked around and found a pair of lovely high boots which had patches of different brown shades. I cannot describe my excitement when I found my size in it. I could only imagine how wonderfully it would match all my brown outfits and I don't have to stand in front my shoe rack to figure out which one should I go for.

But Alas! I came back to reality, I already had two pair of bellies to decide from and now a pair of high boot added to the decision process. So again I was sitting there, thinking shouldn't shopping be fun. Then why was it becoming so complicated for me. Well, after a lot of reasoning, I got up of that chair with my best pick and was walking towards the cashier....there on my way to the cashier was a beautiful medium heeled tan shade sandals!

{Sigh...} Next, I was trying to evaluate from my knowledge of reading news, if the economy is already going up or will go up anytime soon...

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